Indiana University Bloomington
IUMSC   Indiana University Molecular Structure Center

The Indiana University Molecular Structure Center (IUMSC) is located on the fourth floor of the Chemistry Building. Visitors to the facility enter through A421in the southwest corner of the floor. Immediately behind the hallway is the general crystallography computing and conference area, which is also used for crystallography classes (C481 and C631), please check our calendar for scheduling. The computing area is designed so that researchers can have ready access to the crystallographic databases maintained by the IUMSC and specialized crystallographic computation and visualization software.

The Server Room, A421A, contains the lab servers for the IUMSC. A421C is the office for XPS staff. The X-ray laboratory, A423, is visible through windows in the north wall of the open computing room. Access to A423 is restricted to minimize the risks associated with the x-ray generating equipment and cryogenic fluids in use.

The central part of A423 houses microscopes and crystal mounting equipment, as well as the control computers for the various diffractometer systems located in the instrument bays. Four equipment bays are located on the west and north sides of the X-ray laboratory. These bays house single-crystal and powder diffractometers, including Bruker, PANalytical, and Scintag systems.

Rooms A423A and A423B are the offices for the professional staff of the IUSMC.

A423G, contains a PHI Versaprobe II XPS instrument and preparation area as well as IUMSC's electronic development benches. A darkroom and chemical storage area is available (A423H) adjacent to the development laboratory. Room A423J contains the chilled water systems and various gas supply systems for the laboratory as well as two Philips liquid nitrogen generators.

You can also request a tour of the facility in person, too.

Mailing Address
Indiana University Molecular Structure Center
Chemistry Building A421
800 East Kirkwood Ave.
Indiana University
Bloomington IN 47405-7102

Phone: (812) 855-6821
Indiana University Molecular Structure Center. Chemistry, A421, Indiana University, 800 E, Kirkwood Ave., Bloomington, IN 47405-7102, 812.855.6821
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