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Dr. Chun-Hsing (Josh) Chen
Research Crystallographer
Associate Scientist
- Post Doctoral Fellow (Advisor: Dr. Maren Pink), Indiana University, 2010
- Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry (Advisor: Prof. Bruce M. Foxman), Brandeis University, 2010
- Structure determination of new crystalline solids by single crystal X-ray diffraction
- Advanced crystallography experiments using synchrotron radiation
- Solid-state characterization via powder X-ray diffraction
- Texture and thin-film analysis
- Design and implemetation of custom diffraction experiments at IUMSC and ChemMatCARS
- Characterization of multi-phase topotactic solid-state reactions using X-ray crystallography
- Development and characterization of potentially thermo- and photoreactive co-crystal systems
Selected Recent Publications
- K. Leftwich, D. Bish, C-H. Chen:
Crystal structure and hydration/dehydration behavior of Na2Mg(SO4)2•16H2O: a new hydrate phase observed under Mars-relevant conditions.
Am. Mineral., 2013, 98(10), 1772-1778. highlighted as notable paper in Am. Mineral.
- R. Thompson, E. Nakamaru-Ogiso, C-H. Chen, M. Pink, D.J. Mindiola:
Structural Elucidation of the Illustrious Tebbe Reagent.
Organometallics, 2014, 33(1), 429-432. highlighted in Chemical and Engineering News
- N. Komine, R.W. Buell, C-H. Chen, A.K. Hui, M. Pink, K.G. Caulton:
Probing the Steric and Electronic Characteristics of a New Bis-Pyrrolide Pincer Ligand.
Inorg. Chem., 2014, 53(3), 1361-1369.
- M. Kamitani, K. Searles, C-H. Chen, P.J. Carroll, D.J. Mindiola:
beta-Hydrogen Abstraction of an Ethyl Group Provides Entry to Titanium and Zirconium Ethylene Complexes.
Organometallics, 2015, 34(11), 2558-2566.
- J.J. Davidson, J.C. DeMott, C. Douvris, C.M. Fafard, N. Bhuvanesh, C-H. Chen, D.E. Herbert, C-I. Lee, B.J. McCulloch, B.M. Foxman:
Comparison of the Electronic Properties of Diarylamido-Based PNZ Pincer Ligands: Redox Activity at the Ligand and Donor Ability Toward the Metal.
Inorganic Chemistry, 2015, 54(6), 2916-2935.
- Porter, M. R.; Lindahl, S. E.; Lietzke, A.; Metzger, E. M.; Wang, Q.; Henck, E.; Chen, C.-H.; Niu, H.; Zaleski, J. M. Metal-mediated diradical tuning for DNA replication arrest via template strand scission. PNAS 2017, 114(36), E7405-E7414.
- Searles, K.; Smith, K. T.; Kurogi, T.; Chen, C.-H.; Carroll, P. J.; Mindiola, D. J. Formation and Redox Interconversion of Niobium Methylidene and Methylidyne Complexes. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition 2016, 55(23), 6642-6